
2021-01-07 11:21:35 来源: 浏览:



1Pengjiao Tian, Dongze Niu, Sasa Zuo, Di Jiang, Rongrong Li and Chuncheng Xu*. Vitamin A and E in the total mixed ration as influenced by ensiling and the type of herbage. Science of the Total Environment (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141239 (一区 SCI IF=6.551)

2Pengjiao Tian, Diwakar Vyas, Sasa Zuo, Di Jiang and Chuncheng Xu*. Effects of calcium carbonate on the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silage. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2020, 29(2):167–174. (四区 SCI, IF=1.150)

3Pengjiao Tian, Dongze Niu, Di Jiang, Rongrong Li, Fuyu Yang and Chuncheng Xu*. Effects of different moisture on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of sweet potato residue TMR silage. ⅩⅧ International Silage Conference, 2018,494-495. (国际会议论文)

4田朋姣, 江迪, 李荣荣, 张鑫垚, 徐春城*. 苜蓿与燕麦不同配比对豆浆渣 TMR 发酵品质的影响.草学, 2018, 240: 18-19.(核心收录)

5田朋姣, 徐春城*. 不同温度对豆浆渣 TMR 发酵品质的影响.草学, 2019, 74-76.(核心收录)


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